Web evolution: From Web 1.0 To Web 3.0

3 min readDec 18, 2021


Hello everyone, today we are gonna show you the evolution of the web from version 1.0 to the latest web 3.0, so let’s get started.

Web 1.0: The beginning

AltaVista Page

Duration: 1991–2004

This is the early stage of the world wide web, it started as a read-only, static page, which means that you can’t interact, nor comment on the website, it was mostly hosted on ISP-run servers or on free hosting services.

Websites pages were built using CGI (Common Gateway Interface) rather than programming languages like PHP and files were stored directly into the server rather than using a database.

Some of the popular websites/companies in the web 1.0 era: Netscape, AltaVista, AOL, Yahoo!…

Web 2.0: Social Media

Some of popular web 2.0 services

Duration: 2004-now (currently)

Web 2.0, it’s like web 1.0, but much better, now the websites are dynamic rather than static, which means that you can interact and comment on the website, which resulted in mass participation.

Websites now do use dynamic programming languages like PHP, websites data are now stored in databases like MongoDB.

Web 2.0 also introduced SaaS (Software-As-A-Service), which means that now we can execute applications right in the web browser, I will explain more about that in another post.

Just like the personal websites were popular in web 1.0, social media are dominant in web 2.0, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Medium, Twitter, TikTok, you are using some or all of them every day, or you may have used them once at least, social media became part of peoples life.

Ok, this is nice, but there is a bad thing in web 2.0 and social media: privacy and centralization, being the service centralized means that you need to trust the company behind it, you need to make sure that your privacy is ensured, and here is the second problem, privacy. which we will talk about it in another post.

Web 3.0: The decentralized future

Some of web 3.0 decentralized apps

Duration: soon

Web 3.0, is the decentralized web, and it is gonna use blockchain, which we will talk about it in another post, which means more privacy and trust, there is not gonna be sort of middle-man, everyone is contributed, banks will be a thing from the past, where it’s gonna be replaced with cryptocurrencies like ethereum, bitcoins…

Web 3.0 is still a new thing, so there is not a lot of pieces of information about it.


The web has evolved a lot, we started from read-only web 1.0, upgraded to the read-write web 2.0 which fixed many things in web 1.0, and introduction of advanced technologies, with the introduction of social media that became dominant, there were some trust issues in the companies, and now we are preparing to the web 3.0, the decentralized, community-run and secure web.

So as usual thank you for reading, if you have any feedback, please post it down in the comment, it doesn’t matter how positive or negative it is, I’m listening to all your feedback, and also don’t forget to follow us.




16 years old, IT hobbyist, cyber sercurity student, designer