Best free websites to learn programming from for beginners in 2023
So you want to learn programming but don’t know how to get started, here are some websites that will help you learn programming interactively for beginners, let’s get started: is one of the most popular websites to learn programming, it gives you a clear roadmap and a certificate of completion for every topic you complete, FreeCodeCamp relies more on practice than theory which makes it a perfect place to learn programming, they also have a YouTube channel (check YouTube part in the end).
W3School is a very known website that teaches a wide variety of programming languages, it’s a good website to use both as a resource when you get stuck on a problem, or you can use it to start learning from scratch, it’s a great website and I highly recommend it.
CS50 is a 10-week course provided by Harvard University for free, it has some great and interesting topics, it’s a great place to get started, and as a bonus, you get a certificate from Harvard after completing the course, each topic has some practical problems that will definitely help you level up your skills.
GeeksForGeeks is a great website with plenty of resources on various topics such as web development, competitive programming… It’s the go-to website for a lot of developers that are searching for a programming topic, I would highly recommend you take a look there.
MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT OpenCourseWare gives you the ability to learn a lot of things including programming for free by MIT teachers, although their courses are more academically focused rather than practically, it is still a great resource.
GitHub is also an effective resource to learn programming, if you don’t know GitHub, GitHub is one of the most popular websites where people share their projects, it’s the go-to website for open source projects, you can learn programming by checking the source code of projects so you get an idea about how the program works, you can also contribute to these projects so you support the project and learn how to program, there are also some programming resources available there.
If you have been programming long enough, you may have heard of or used StackOverFlow before, it’s a forum made for programmers where you ask questions about anything related to programming, you can also find some older posts where you can find solutions for your problems or questions, you will need it more frequently as you advance.
That’s an obvious thing, YouTube has plenty of videos teaching programming, we are already working on that article, so don’t forget to follow us so you can get notified once we publish it
There are a lot of great websites that we didn’t mention, but you can consider these websites as your starting point to the programming world, good luck on your journey.
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